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Bone Marrow Needles Manufacturing United Kingdom and USA
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Bone Marrow Needles

  • Product Name : Bone Marrow Needles
  • Trade Name: Jamshidi Bone Marrow Needles
  • Application : Biopsy
  • Size Available : 8ga, 11ga, 13 ga
  • Material Used : Stainless Steel
  • Packing : Poly Pack


Our Bone Marrow Biopsy Needles are designed to provide quality biopsies by entrapping bone marrow in the needle without altering the sample.



• Unique cannula design provides outstanding quality specimens

• Ergonomically designed twist-lock handle provides greater clinician comfort

• Double-diamond stylet point easily penetrates hard bone

• Innovative design provides an exceptional ability to capture and retain bone marrow specimens

• Eliminates painful deflection technique to harvest a diagnostic quality specimen
